California Rancher Sustainability Assessment

A program developed by California ranchers, for California ranchers

A little bit about the CRSA before we get started …

All CRSA information is confidential and non-regulatory. We won’t ask for your name. We will ask you to create a username and password, but only so you can log back in to get more information or to resume your participation in the CRSA.

We will ask a few questions about your operation (general location, type of operation, etc.), this will remain confidential but will be used by UC ANR to develop programs that will help producers.

Each module contains a set of multiple-choice or short-answer questions about the ranching topic. We encourage you to complete the CRSA with other members of your family and ranch managers. There is a certain amount of intended overlap among categories that reflects fundamental interrelationships. Once you’ve answered the questions, the CRSA defines areas where you’re meeting best practices, where you’re doing even better, and where you could make improvements.

Click on the highlighted items to learn more about what the standard is for each management practice, how to make improvements if desired, and where to find resources to help you. You can do one Module at a time, or all of them, then save your answers for future reference.

After completion of each module you can download a certificate of completion to demonstrate you are working toward sustainability.

With your help, the CRSA will evolve to meet the needs of the California ranching community and reflect the industry’s increasing understanding of rangeland sustainability and good stewardship practices. There are several excellent examples of agricultural sustainability programs that can be drawn upon to refine and improve this project, the written components of which may be considered a “living document” that develops and matures over time.